Delaney Group

Hawaii Pacific University Travel Industry Management School

Hawaii Pacific University Travel Industry Management School

Matt has served on the Advisory Council for the Hawaii Pacific University Travel Industry Management (“TIM”) School. He was also a keynote and class speaker to various levels of TIM students at HPU.

The purpose of the HPU TIM Advisory Council is to elicit broad-based support for the TIM’s goal of preparing students to be future leaders in the travel industry.

The responsibilities of the advisory council are:

  • To seek industry input on program concepts and curriculum development in the TIM major.
  • To advise the major’s directorship on market trends and community concerns.
  • To participate in professional and social activities involving the TIM major and the travel industry.

The advisory council is also designed to:

  • Aid in student internship placement and career development.
  • Support the recruitment of promising new students.
  • Help identify industry and community resources that are critical to the development of the major

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